Nate Pritts and Matt Hart don’t suffer from writer’s block. As Hart puts it in this On the Fly interview, “Writer’s block privileges the product over the process.” These process-oriented poets were interviewed in October 2010 when they visited to Iowa City to read at Prairie Lights with fellow poet Dobby Gibson.
Hart and Pritts collaborated on the 2010 poetry chapbook Feelings, Assoc. Pritt’s most recent collection as of this writing is Debacle Debacle. Pritts’ most recent collection is Right Now More Than Ever.
Hart is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Forklift: Ohio: A Journal of Poetry , Cooking, & Light Industrial Safety. In 2001, Pritts founded the online journal and small press H_NGM_N. He serves as H_NGM_N’s Director and Prime Architect.